
Category: Consultant Testimonials

I am presented with cool projects and great clients

emagine is super professional; the great people take care of any problems along the way and present me with cool projects and great clients.

Jakob Kjøller, Software Developer - Denmark

Jakob Kjøller sonsultant software developer expert

For the past four years, I have been on assignment through emagine. They are super professional; they take care of any problems along the way and present me with cool projects and great clients. Moreover, they are good at handling extensions on my part.


Easier freelance life

Furthermore, they do what they can to make everyday life as a freelance consultant easier. Their app tool for consultants is a good example of this.

It makes it easy for consultants like me to register billable hours while keeping me updated on news and events, as well as providing insight into what my freelance colleagues are working on at various other clients.

Jakob Kjøller

Software developer Jakob Kjøller is convinced that the path to success is an ongoing and close dialogue with the clients who will reap the benefits of his efforts. A vital part of his work as a consultant is to provide the cleanest code possible, allowing others to easily take over once he concludes his assignment.


  They take care of any problems along the way and present me with cool projects

Jakob Kjøller


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